Note that all these examples refer to a person or a group of people i.e. the claimant, the regulatory authority, the Management Board, the Shareholders Meeting, the Company and the Contractor. 以上的例子所指代的对象都是某人或由某些人组成的组织,比如原告、管理机构、管理局、股东大会、公司和承包人,所以可以用s来代替of。
Another suspected case, not confirmed by the bank, involved surveillance of Hermann-Josef Lamberti, Deutsche's own chief operating officer and a member of Deutsche's management board. 另一起涉嫌案件未得到该行证实,涉及对其首席营运官、管理委员会成员赫尔曼-约瑟夫•兰波特(Hermann-JosefLamberti)施行监控。
Or have its management and board simply not been up to the job? 抑或该行管理层和董事会根本没能力胜任这一工作?
The Swiss investment bank and wealth manager has made a series of changes to its European regional management board, mainly in London, to strip out overlaps and clarify responsibility for each business line. 这家瑞士投资银行和财富管理机构已对其欧洲地区管理层进行了一系列调整,以消除业务重叠现象,并明晰各项业务的职责。瑞信上述调整主要集中在伦敦。
The merged company would also have a British-style unitary board rather than a supervisory board of non-executives overseeing a management board of executives as is common in continental Europe. 合并后的银行将采取单一懂事会,而不是目前欧洲比较流行的监事会监管执行董事会的结构。
Under this model, workers'representatives fill half the seats on firms'supervisory boards. A separate management board is responsible for running the business day to day. 按照这一模式,工人代表占据公司监事会一半的席位,另设管理层董事会,负责公司业务的日常运作。
Aggressive block print artist Yuanhe Cai from Guangzhou visited Shenzhen and had dinner with the management board of SIFE SZU and team members of Dreamaker. 广州新锐艺术家蔡远河先生到访深圳,与SIFE深圳大学团队管理层和“梦的版途”项目组组员共进晚餐。
Travel Industry Compensation Fund Management Board 旅游业赔偿基金管理委员会
Siemens actually has a high number of foreigners on its management board. 实际上,西门子管理委员会中有不少外国人。
Management Board of the United Nations Office for Project Services 联合国项目事务厅管理委员会
He will report to HSBC chief executive Michael Geoghegan and sit on a 10-strong group management board. 洪纪元将向首席执行官纪勤(michaelgeoghegan)直接汇报,并将加入10人组成的集团管理委员会。
Natural Resources and Energy Management Board 自然资源和能源管理委员会
Kummerfeld is currently a member of the Management Board of FIPP, the International Magazine Association. 目前是国际杂志协会管理委员会委员之一。
With the company running on empty, the president decided to reorganize the management board. 由于公司亏损经营,总裁决定重组管理层。
However, information from a comprehensive risk management process, including the identification of management and board concerns, can assist the internal auditor in planning audit activities. 但是,来自综合性风险管理过程的信息(包括对管理层和董事会所关心问题的确认)有助于内部审计师计划审计工作。
First, an introduction is given to the hardware configuration and characteristic of the management board, and the the OS and development tools are covered. 首先介绍了基于该CPU管理板的硬件结构和特点,以及软件所采用的操作系统和完整的开发工具。
A Design of the Management Board by MPC 824 1 基于MPC8241管理板的设计与实现
The CPU management board can manage the exchanger, so that the network manager can use it to monitor and control the exchanger flexibly. CPU管理板在交换机中起管理作用,以便网管人员可以对交换机进行灵活的实时监控和全局管理。
Finally, the procedures of using the hardware and software above to realize the management board are presented. 接着详细给出了结合以上的硬件和软件来开发管理板的具体的实现步骤,为广大工程技术人员提供参考。
Therefore, the listed companies need to further improve the governance structure and cash holdings behavior from the aspect of ownership structure, board structure and management board motivation and regulation. 因此,我们需要我们从股权结构、董事会结构、管理层的激励约束机制等方面进一步完善公司治理结构,规范公司现金持有行为。
However, as the central link of human resource management-performance management, has been short of its management board. 然而作为人力资源管理的中心环节&绩效管理,却一直是其管理短板。
PC/ 104 is used for master board to access communication management board and improve the scalability of the system. 采用PC/104接口来实现主板对通信管理板的访问,提高了系统的扩展性。
Each province ( municipalities and autonomous regions) as the basic unit, personal account fund management board which as trustee. the personal account funds investment Adopt the way of management marketability. 该模式以每省(直辖市、自治区)为基本单位建立个人账户基金管理委员会作为受托人,并对个人账户基金的投资管理采取市场化运营的方式。
This survey was conducted in the Project Management board of the Third Bureau of China Construction Company in the Wuhan International Exhibition Center project, and the data were analyzed. 在实证分析部分,选取了武汉国际博览中心中建三局施工项目部为评价对象开展了问卷调查,并对调查结果进行了统计分析。
This research is about 3 aspects: First, the situation of junior high school chemistry teachers implementing inquiry teaching. Second, how students react to this teaching method. Third, how school management board value this teaching reform and their understanding of this teaching method. 本次调查研究主要围绕目前初中化学教师运用探究式教学实施教学的情况,学生面对这种教学方式的学习情况和学校管理层对这次教学改革的重视程度以及对这种教学方式的认识等几个方面展开。
It introduces the completed implementation process of standardization from attention of management board, as well as training, check, assessment and encouragement of on-site standardization. 从管理层的关注、现场标准化的培训、核查、考核及激励等多方面阐述了标准化的整个实施过程,是本文最重要的一个部分。
In Germany, the management board can set up the anti-takeover defenses only after the consent of the board of supervisors has been got or authorized by the general meeting of stockholders. 在德国,管理层需要在经得监事会的同意或获得股东会授权的情况下才能采取毒丸等反收购措施。
Affected by this shareholding structure, private listed companies, ownership and management separation is very low, most companies have a management board members to serve as president, vice president and other senior positions and so on. 受到这种股权结构的影响,民营上市公司的所有权与经营权分离度很低,大多数公司都有董事会成员到管理层担任总经理、副总经理等高级职务等。
The ownership and control power separation in modern enterprises may lead to management board to implement behaviours that are harm to the interest of the shareholders and cause principal-agent problem. 现代企业制度中所有权与控制权的分离,造成了企业经营管理层可能不以企业所有人利益最大化为目标的现象,进而产生代理问题。